Harbor Haus

Harbor Haus in Copper Harbor, Kewaunee County, United States | Restaurant

Without a doubt, the most frequently asked question in the Restaurant is "Can we have a table with a view?" Fortunately, that's an easy request to fill. The numerous picture windows provide each guest with a beautiful view of Lake Superior and marine traffic in the harbor.
What you are likely to see when you gaze out of those windows is the patio adorned with flowers and trees, providing a German/Austrian flavor; a sugarplum tree and a mountain ash stand directly outside the windows. You are also looking at our newly restored dock. As our valued guest you are most welcome to use it at your own risk.
On any given day, a variety of birds may pass into view; Mallards, Hummingbirds, Loons, a gagle of Canadian Geese (sometimes mixed in are: Crossbar, Snow Geese, Cackling or Hudson) that regularly visit the local waters. Of late, customers have been treated to occasional visits of the black bear as well.
The climate inside the Harbor Haus is always comfortable. For those chilly spring and autumn days, the fireplace keeps the room cozy. On those rare days when the temperature climbs toward triple figures (yes it does happen), the dining rooms are air conditioned for your dining comfort.

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Lake Superior
Copper Harbor
United States
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