Buenos Aires info

The city of Buenos Aires is not located within Buenos Aires Province, nor is it its capital; but is instead an autonomous federal district. Greater Buenos Aires is the third largest conurbation in Latin America, with a population of around 13 million.

After the internal conflicts of the 19th century, Buenos Aires was federalised and removed from Buenos Aires Province in 1880. The city limits were enlarged to include the former towns of Belgrano and Flores, which are both now neighbourhoods of the city.


Bays in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina. It is geographically located on the southern shore of the Río de la Plata, on the southeastern coast of the South American continent. The city of Buenos Aires is not located within Buenos Aires Province, nor is it its capital; but is instead an autonomous federal district. Greater Buenos Aires is the third largest conurbation in Latin America, with a population of around 13 million....


Martinez is a city in San Isidro Partido, Buenos Aires Province. It is part of Greater Buenos Aires. It is served by a commuter train service, the Tren de la Costa tourist railway line, and many buses....

Quilmes is a city in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is the capital of Quilmes Partido....

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