Thingeyjarsveit info

The population is about 700, and the area is 5500 km2. The people are thriving and the economic possibilities diverse, such as in agriculture, education, fish processing, forestry, the tourism industry, food production, etc. The municipality has a compulsory school and preschool: Storutjarnaskoli and Litlulaugaskoli.

It also has the Laugar Upper Secondary School and the Music School in Laugar, in addition to the Music Department at Storutjarnaskoli. There are camps for schoolchildren in Bardardalur. Theatre and singing are in full bloom, and sports activities are vigorous. You enter Thingeyjarsveit Municipality on the west side of Vikurskard on the parish boundary of Grytubakkahreppur, and you then head east to Fnjoskadalur Valley.


Bays in Thingeyjarsveit, Iceland






Holtakot is a small farm town located in Thingeyjarsveit, Iceland....








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