Baysider Blogs
Click here to submit your own Blog post Latest Blog EntriesWed, Jul 16th 2014, 09:46
Long are the days gone when you have to toggle through a bunch of stores and objects in order to find the right kind of gifts.

Wed, Jul 22nd 2009, 12:28
Pearls are formed by successive secretions from the mantle (or skin) of an oyster or mussel onto a foreign object within its shell.

Fri, Jul 17th 2009, 12:30
Broome in Western Australia produces some of the finest cultured pearls in the world. This town has a long association with the pearl industry.

Tue, Jul 28th 2009, 13:23
Seawater Pearls form in oysters found mainly in the Pacific Ocean. Freshwater pearls form in freshwater mussels, particularly in Japan and the USA.

Mon, Jul 20th 2009, 12:29
11 July 1893 was a significant day for the pearl industry. It was then that Japan’s Kokichi Mikimoto first produced a perfect round cultured pearl.

Fri, Jul 17th 2009, 10:25
Pearls have captivated human beings since ancient times. The revolution in aquaculture at the start of the twentieth century meant that pearls became more accessible.