Baie de la Ciotat Meditation

Meditation in Baie de la Ciotat, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France

  • The Oriental Equilibre Association

    The Oriental Equilibre Association in La Ciotat, France, is a welcoming Pilates studio that offers excellent Pilates classes, yoga, dance classes and stretching conducted in a relaxed and tranquil environment. Pilates and other classes available in our Pilates studio are conducted by a qualified and skilled teacher, and are aimed at relieving tensions, strengthening muscles, correcting back postures and more. Samara yoga offered by The Oriental Equilibre Association promotes health and well being, enabling participants to find inner strength, improve concentration levels and experience a welcome serenity. All yoga sessions are conducted to music, include stretching postures and always end with a session of meditation.

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