Spa Elysium

Spa Elysium in Belmullet, County Mayo, Ireland | Day Spa | Massage | Facials

Spa Elysium in Belmullet, Ireland, is ideally located within Broadhaven Bay Hotel, and in our Day Spa guests can look forward to a pampering spa experience in an environment that is relaxing and tranquil. Treatments at our Day Spa include a Swedish Massage, Facials, manicures, pedicures, body therapies, aromatherapy treatments, waxing and many more treatments that are beneficial to your health and wellbeing. Spa Elysium is the go-to Day Spa for brides where many pre wedding spa treatments, including the services of an experienced make up artists will give you a dream come true look that will dazzle your guests as you serenely glide down the aisle to your eagerly awaiting groom.

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Location Info


Ballina Road
097 20107
Visit Site
Day Spa
Quality Products
Pampering Experience
Tranquil Environment
Rejuvenating Experience

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