Enkhuizen Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes in Enkhuizen, North Holland, Netherlands

  • Restaurant de Smederij Cooking Lessons

    Restaurant de Smederij Cooking Lessons are offered in Enkhuizen where you can boast your culinary skills for friends and family of up to 30 patrons. For classes of up to 10 students, they will be taught how to prepare a classic and delicious dinner, to be served to the delight of your own guests, come surprise them with tempting delights made by you.

  • Restaurant Tydloos Cooking Workshops

    Restaurant Tydloos Cooking Workshops is a tasty, fun and enjoyable way of doing things together and learning a new culinary skill while you're at it. Choose from a cooking workshop that will teach you how to prepare a delicious 3 course meal or a tapas workshop. The Restaurant Tydloos Cooking Workshops are a brilliant idea for friends, an outing, a bachelor party or a cooking club.

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Thank you for visiting Cooking Classes - Restaurants; Food & Drink - Enkhuizen, North Holland, Netherlands

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