Alaska Bird Observatory

Alaska Bird Observatory in Fairbanks, Fairbanks North Star Borough, United States | Observatory

Welcome to The Alaska Bird Observatory, Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaska Bird Observatory is an Alaskan nonprofit corporation. The mission of the Alaska Bird Observatory is to advance the appreciation, understanding, and conservation of birds and their habitats through research and education.
Founded in 1991, the Alaska Bird Observatory specializes in long-term studies of migrant and resident birds of interior Alaska. Similar observatories are located in the contiguous United States and southern Canada, but ABO is the only organization of its kind in Alaska.
Alaska contains vast areas of pristine bird habitat: rich marine and estuarine ecosystems, coastal rain forests, interior boreal forests, lowland and alpine tundras, and coastal and interior wetlands. All of these environments host unique combinations 223 species of birds. Most of these birds migrate to Alaska from the islands of the South Pacific, Australia, Asia, Central and South America, the contiguous United States, and Canada. Many of the species of birds that occur in Alaska breed primarily or exclusively in northern regions, where long-term studies of avian ecology are limited. Alaska's unique bird communities are the focus for our research and educational programs.
Memberships with the Alaska Bird Observatory, Fairbanks, help support the day-to-day operations, the development of new projects, and provide crucial matching funds for many of our grants. All ABO members receive our informative Arctic Warbler newsletter three times/year, a 10% discount on most items in our gift shop and on-line catalog, invitations to special events, discounts on Alaska Bird Observatory workshops and events, and priority selection for our volunteer programmes.

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Location Info


418 Wedgewood Drive, Fairbanks, Alaska
United States
(907) 451-7159
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