
Tue, Dec 22nd 2009, 12:12

Icebergs are a beautiful reminder of the majesty of nature. If there is one natural phenomenon that represents our fragile environment, it is icebergs.

Icebergs represent the majesty of nature. We bring you an iceberg treat - a series of beautiful photographs featuring icebergs as an artform.

David Burdeny is a Canadian artist and architect who has made a name for himself with his photographic style. His Iceberg series is a fascinating exploration of what are currently the most sensitive shorelines on earth. His use of long exposure techniques in low light areas have resulted in some stunning images.

Icebergs have become a symbol of global warming - the melting icebergs are an illustration of the changes that are occuring on earth. Icebergs are a dying breed and these icebergs photographs are a fitting tribute to these incredible natural features.

View the Icebergs Series.


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